Suggestions for FvF PAK file

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Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by Gunter »

I'm going to re-pack the client files, so now is the time when I can make changes to them.

So please provide your suggestions, which I will promptly ignore. :twisted:

(And no, foq, I'm not going to pak in ALL the custom stuff like maps and skyboxes and lit files and end up with a 100 meg PAK file....)

Here's what I have noted that I may fix:

- Include DM6 Purifier map.
- FvF HUD color tweak -- some spots on the HUD are too bright, making text hard to read.
- Fish gib head skin - paint a fish face on the bloody gib that occurs when you explode a fish.
- Repaint homing scrubs -- they are too light, make them a bit darker.
- light blue lasers -- same as scrubs
- Do something with help screen? -- FvF has an old help screen... I could update that with current info? But what? The website... and?

I'm considering maybe "damage skins" but that would be a bit of work.... Each class would need like, 2-3 additional skins showing damage at different levels.... But I like the idea of it.

Oh, also if you have any good suggestions for dance loops, now is the time. but they have to be good.

EDIT by Trans: Made this a sticky/announcement.
Last edited by gulliver-trans on Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: just making it an announcement, so more ppl see it, hopefully
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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by foq »

Improvements to the FvF client pak? Well...

- Include DM6 Purifier map.
- Repaint homing scrubs -- they are too light, make them a bit darker.
- Do something with help screen? -- FvF has an old help screen... I could update that with current info? But what? The website... and?
- Damage skins

I agree with these 4, and added one. The help screen can probably be totally removed... if you have fvf, you already know about the website! So there's no sense in the fvf client pak telling you about the website you downloaded it from. (I was going to suggest adding the custom maps to the fvf pak, but that idea kinda sucks, so I'll just mention I thought about it and backed off on that idea)

Damage skins would be good, but a lot of work. It might be easier to give Clerics and Monks an easier way of seeing how much health and armor a person has. Trying to point at someone and press [ is actually kinda difficult. It restricts your movement, making it difficult to actually hit a moving player with that. The cleric would probably be the easiest to work with. I don't imagine it being too difficult to code something for the Cleric where, if he hits a player with the Drain spell, it shows you their current health/armor status. Maybe the same thing for the Monk if he punches somebody... but the hit would have to actually connect, otherwise you'd be spamming (impulse 33?) all the time. Or, maybe if you just look at a player (keep your crosshair painted on them) long enough, it'll just tell you without you having to do anything.

Since I'm on the forums and not in Quake and have plenty of time to consider how this could work with all of it laid out in front of me... I'll make my suggestions for repacking the fancy stuff.

*REMOVE .lit files from the custom maps download. Put them with the ID1 .lit pack. Add the .vis files to this pack. ADD Skyboxes to this pak as well.

Now you have 3 fancy paks, one with skyboxes, lits and vis files (still rather small), the monster skins pak, and the big textures pak. Since I think it's unlikely for the texture pak or the monster pak to get updated (after the suggestion below), pak those together.

Add textures for the custom maps we already run to the big texture pak.

Before you do anything, consider adding Travail to FvF (because you would have to update the map pak and the pak with the lits, vis and skyboxes again). It'll take a huge trial run, but Travail is a pretty good series, and deserves a spot on our server if it can be added without too much work.

Protip: you can save on some filesize if you compress with the Ultra setting in 7zip. It's pretty resource intensive to use this level of compression, but worth it if you care enough about the resulting filesize enough (which you seem to). This also cuts down on bandwidth used moving these files around, and upload time (and download time... the server isn't that fast, heh). To illustrate this, I redownloaded the big "Medium-HQTextures.7z" file, decompressed it, and recompressed it with 7zip set to Ultra. The original filesize was 91.4MB, and my result was 61.1MB. That's about 33% smaller.

Oh yeah... dance loops

Internet is Tubes!! Specifically, thinking of 0:27~0:55

And, uhh... no idea where to clip these

I have a feeling you guys might like those, but not this one. Maybe you would? 1:22~1:33 would make a good loop.
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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by foq »

I guess I can't edit my own posts after so much time has passed. I downloaded and unpak'd travail, and upon doing so, I'm not so sure it will work with FvF (or, if it would, it might get tricky). Travail is more than just a series of maps, apparently it comes complete with some custom sounds, textures, models, and even come custom monsters and a progs.dat. It would take someone with more knowledge than I to cobble that together...
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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by Gunter »

Ok, the client pak is updated.

You can grab it from the Download section.

You might wanna go ahead and delete your maps folder and re-download the map pack too, because DM6 is now in the PAK, and I redid some of the LIT files for some maps that didn't look so good.
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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by gulliver-trans »

Why am I getting stuck in the ceiling when I spawn on E1M1?
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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by Gunter »

Fixed :D

That was my hacky attempt to prevent people from being shoved through the floor into lava because there is only one DM spawn point (and no coop spawn points) in the DOPA maps. So I just moved ALL DM spawn points up 100 units.... But, that was too far, so you got rammed into the ceiling. Now I'm trying a setting of 25 units.

Of course, I could just program specifically for the DOPA maps, but I wanted to try a universal hack to see how that works.
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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by foq »

You should really keep a changelog of sorts to keep track of the updates and give us a heads up on it.

You ignored my dance loops :(
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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by Gunter »

See first post:
Gunter wrote:So please provide your suggestions, which I will promptly ignore. :twisted:

I have certain criteria for dance loops which helps me pick them. They should be recognizable, or "Quake-like," and it helps if they are funny, annoying, or ironic. And they must have a section that will loop well and sound good, and the tune has to be "dace-able."

I made a loop of "You're the Best Around," thinking it was a good fit for most of those things, but then when I tried it in the game it just wasn't good... it has very little dance-able rhythm.

Your other suggestions just weren't good fits. Like, Eye of the Tiger is a bit overdone everywhere....

I was going to try YMCA... but then I forgot :?
I'm not sure there's a good, short looping part for it....
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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by foq »

Well, out of any of them, I'd push hard for "internet is tubes" and "into the lungs of hell". The others I thought might work, but, no big loss.

I'm unsure why you might not like "into the lungs of hell". Recognizable? Absolutely! It's Megadeth, one of the "Big Four"! Quake-Like? Why not? Heavy Metal seems to be pretty Quakey to me. Funny, annoying, or ironic? Maybe not, but it definitely will loop well and sound good, and it's certainly no less dance-able than some of the loops we have already. That brings us to "internet is tubes". Recgonizable? Well, it's got 2 and a quarter million hits on YouTube... Quake-Like? Nah, not really, but it fits in well with FvF... it's pretty funny, and ironic, but I don't know about annoying... but it'll loop well, sound good, and the beat is definitely dance-able. Go do it! NAO!

Well, here's another suggestion.

Imagine defeating Chthon or Shub, and hearing "we are the champions..." with all the gibbed shambler heads bouncing around in the lava in the background. Seems good to me!
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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by gulliver-trans »

We have rededicated and renamed "The Wind Tunnels" in your honor. They shall henceforth be known as "A Series of Tubes"

Players will likewise be known as packets.
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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by foq »

gulliver-trans wrote:We have rededicated and renamed "The Wind Tunnels" in your honor. They shall henceforth be known as "A Series of Tubes"

Players will likewise be known as packets.

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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by gulliver-trans »

Classic, but not really danceable :mrgreen:

Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by Akira00 »

This is it it's a lil screwie but I hope you like it ... bub_fvf.7z
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Re: Suggestions for FvF PAK file

Post by Gunter »

Looks neat. Makes the Monk's head look weird, heh. Makes the Android look angry.
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